The idea of the Sustainable Cyclades Network was born from a series of important events during 2023 in various Cycladic islands and took shape in Sifnos last October 2023. Following a workshop on “Sifnos’ fragile, man-made landscape, now at risk!”, this emergence marks a collective awakening to the urgent need to preserve the unique and fragile environment of the Cyclades. This Network represents a collaboration of stakeholders, individuals and collectives from various Cycladic islands, as well as scientists, academics and researchers, united in the pursuit of a sustainable future for this cherished archipelago.

Central to our mission is to address the urgent challenges of uncontrolled overdevelopment, rampant tourism and escalating environmental degradation. The Cyclades, once a haven of natural beauty and historical wealth, now faces threats from aggressive property and investment interests. This has led to an upsurge in construction activities, neglect of traditional agricultural practices and degradation of the overall quality of our public spaces and marine ecosystems.

In facing these challenges, the Network is considering three possible futures:

  1. Insistence on anarchic development.
  2. Modify tourism development with better management.
  3. Boldly transforming our development model to embrace sustainability.

We are advocates of the third way, supporting the change of the economic model of the islands. We focus on cultivating low-impact sustainable tourism, preserving cultural heritage and enhancing local economic and social well-being, while addressing the urgent climate crisis.

Our proposal underlines the need for a balanced approach to economic and social life, aiming for sustainability. We stress the importance of protecting the unique Cycladic identity and call for spatial planning that respects the biodiversity and landscape of the islands.

The Network for Sustainable Cyclades is more than just an initiative; it is a rallying cry for immediate, collective action. We seek the participation of individuals, institutions and wider networks from the local to the global scale, all committed to shaping a secure, sustainable and prosperous future for the Cyclades islands. We invite all those who resonate with our goals to join us and actively participate in various initiatives aimed at realizing Sustainable Cyclades. Your participation is vital in turning this vision into reality.

The Network for Sustainable Cyclades accepts members, individuals or organisations, who agree with its founding declaration. Currently, our members are the following: